Fractional laser is used to treat a number of skin conditions By delivering microscopic beams that creates microscopic columns among healthy, untreated skin; allowing the skin to repair itself with newer, younger, healthier skin.
Fractionated laser results in safer treatment and more consistent results as opposed to non-fractionated lasers.

Fractional laser treatment is a non-invasive treatment that uses a device to deliver a laser beam divided into thousands of microscopic treatment zones that target a fraction of the skin at a time, analogous to a photographic image being enhanced or altered pixel by pixel.
Fractionated laser beam is comprised of many columns of micro-beams that are all separated by gaps. This laser light that penetrates the skin deep into the dermis creating narrow, deep columns of skin coagulation intermixed among areas of healthy, untreated skin. These microscopic columns allow the skin to repair itself by replacing older, sun-damaged skin with newer, younger, healthier skin.
Compared to ablative laser procedures, fractional resurfacing is much less invasive, resulting in a faster recovery. Most patients experience minimal downtime, with some mild redness and swelling for a couple of days. Generally 3-5 treatments performed every 4 to 6 weeks would be recommended for results.
Acne scarring
Surgical or Traumatic scars
Warts removal
Skin resurfacing
Stretch marks
Skin tags removal
Age control
Wide pores
The first step is to book your appointment with Dr Eissan. You can do that by calling the clinic at +971 50 143 5434 or writing to us at info@dreissanragab.com.
Prior to coming for your consultation, call the clinic to check for any preparations you might need to do prior to meeting Dr Eissan.
Dr Eissan always provides utmost personal attention to all her patients. She is very careful about your privacy as well as your emotional needs. Feel free to discuss at length about your problems.
Based on her expertise and experience, Dr Eissan will then recommend any necessary tests or diagnostic methods to identify the problem further. Eventually, she will prepare a detailed treatment plan for you.
Dr Eissan will be with you throughout the process and will guide you every step of the way. Please give her as much cooperation as she needs to treat your ailments effectively.
Dr Eissan will also provide thorough aftercare steps so that the effect of the treatment lasts longer and the side effects are minimized.
The benefits of this treatment include:
Treats variety of conditions
Safe and effective alternative to surgical procedures
No major side effects and risks
Minimal downtime
Minimally invasive
(Compared to ablative laser procedures, fractional resurfacing is much less invasive, resulting in a faster recovery)
Patients may experience redness, swelling, and slight crusting which usually subsides within 5 to 7 days with regular application of ice and prescribed healing ointments.
A light pink appearance to the skin may last an additional 7-14 days, but can be camouflaged with make-up. Very rarely, skin rawness or exacerbation of a pre-existing cold sore can occur.
The most common conditions treated with Fractional LASER are:
Acne scarring.
Skin resurfacing: Fractionated laser can improve skin texture, tone and other irregularities of the skin. It can reverse the signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles and sun damage. After treatment, patients experience brighter, tighter and smoother skin.
Surgical or traumatic scars: Fractional lasers can improve scars from prior cosmetic surgeries, C-section scars, orthopaedic or general surgical scars, traumatic scars and burns.
Age Control : It rejuvenates skin by skimming away age-damaged epidermal layers and reactivating collagen production to help fresh new skin emerge.
Stretch marks: This laser can also help the appearance of stretch marks due to pregnancy, growth spurts or fluctuations in weight.
There are different types of fractional LASER with different benifeits and side effects depending on their wavelength, The physician experience, condition treated and your skin type.
Dr Eissan is fully equipped to perform a full diagnosis of your condition and prescribe the most suitable treatment for you. Her vast experience gives her an advantage of identifying best treatment, and duration. In many cases she might combine different types of treatments to give you the best achievable results. She will explain to you the results you can expect after the treatment and possible side effects you may encounter.