Laser tattoo removal is simple, safe, and produces fantastic results. Dr Eissan uses advanced laser technology to remove tattoos.
Compared to laser tattoo removal, other treatments can cause scarring and have a high risk of infection. Tattoo removal creams that work by dissolving the tattoo using chemicals can only reduce its appearance in some cases but cannot completely remove a tattoo. Some other treatments like Dermabrasion & Acid tattoo removal are very painful and require a local anaesthetic to be administered.

Lasers remove tattoos by penetrating the skin and breaking up the ink into tiny particles. After several treatments (with regular intervals between sessions), the body breaks down and removes the pigment in the tattoo, causing it to fade and eventually get removed. The body then disposes of these pigment fragments via its immune system. the entire treatment may require from 5 to 10 sessions.
Unfortunately, not all tattoos are treatable; Depending upon the colour, ink used and the depth of the tattoo. Black superficial tattoos usually get best results.
Small, medium and large tattoos
Full sleeves tattoos
Hand tattoos
Facial tattoos
Eyebrows tattoo
The first step is to book your appointment with Dr Eissan. You can do that by calling the clinic at +971 50 143 5434 or writing to us at info@dreissanragab.com.
Prior to coming for your consultation, call the clinic to check for any preparations you might need to do prior to meeting Dr Eissan.
Dr Eissan always provides utmost personal attention to all her patients. She is very careful about your privacy as well as your emotional needs. Feel free to discuss at length about your problems.
Based on her expertise and experience, Dr Eissan will then recommend any necessary tests or diagnostic methods to identify the problem further. Eventually, she will prepare a detailed treatment plan for you.
Dr Eissan will be with you throughout the process and will guide you every step of the way. Please give her as much cooperation as she needs to treat your ailments effectively.
Dr Eissan will also provide thorough aftercare steps so that the effect of the treatment lasts longer and the side effects are minimized.
It is safe for a variety of skins
The laser energy is selectively absorbed by the tattoo ink only and doesn’t affect the surrounding tissues.
No lasting damage to the skin
The results are permanent
Modern laser technology can be easily adjusted which makes it safe for the skin.
The lasers are precise to remove tattoos from virtually anywhere on the body.
Coloured tattoos are more resistant to Laser
If you have a dark skin tone, laser tattoo removal may not be suitable for you as it has a potential of leaving a ‘ghosting’ effect, where the skin becomes lighter than the surrounding area. Dr Eissan will assess your tattoo and determine which solution is most appropriate for you.
Tattoo removal is not a completely pain-free experience. Laser tattoo removal may feel like having a rubber band repeatedly snapped against the skin. Some individuals may feel it a bit strong sensation such as pinpricks, or a warm, prickly sensation. This is because the laser needs a lot of energy to break up the ink particles under your skin.
The skin will also need 6 – 12 weeks to recover between treatments.