A common mole is a coloured spot on the skin that develops when pigment cells (melanocytes) grow in groups. Moles may be present by birth or may appear during childhood and teenage years. Most adults usually have between 10 and 40 moles on their body. Moles can occur at various places on the body.
A mole can really affect your self-confidence and can give you worries about its type and health effects.
A mole can occur anywhere on your body and can be removed easily. Dr Eissan can safely and effectively remove your mole with local anaesthetic and minimal time from the face, hands, body and sensitive and hard to reach places.

Different types of mole removal require different kinds of treatments, including laser removal and excision. The method of removal depends on the size and shape of the mole. During your consultation, Dr Eissan will diagnose the type of mole you have and prescribe which type of mole removal is suitable for you.
Following treatments are available for mole removal:
Shave Treatment - Some Moles that protrude from the skin can be shaved away under local anaesthetic using a scalpel. This treatment is relatively straightforward and painless. A pink mark may be visible on your skin the place of the mole and will fade over time.
Surgical Removal - Some moles may need to be cut away from the skin via an excision performed under local anaesthetic. It requires a small stitch in the skin which may leave a small scar that fades away over time.
Laser treatment - It may feel like the flick of an elastic band on your skin, whereas Shave or Excision treatment use a local anaesthetic, so you won’t feel anything.
Punch Biopsy - In query cases biopsy is advisable.
Any part of the body
The first step is to book your appointment with Dr Eissan. You can do that by calling the clinic at +971 50 143 5434 or writing to us at info@dreissanragab.com.
Prior to coming for your consultation, call the clinic to check for any preparations you might need to do prior to meeting Dr Eissan.
Dr Eissan always provides utmost personal attention to all her patients. She is very careful about your privacy as well as your emotional needs. Feel free to discuss at length about your problems.
Based on her expertise and experience, Dr Eissan will then recommend any necessary tests or diagnostic methods to identify the problem further. Eventually, she will prepare a detailed treatment plan for you.
Dr Eissan will be with you throughout the process and will guide you every step of the way. Please give her as much cooperation as she needs to treat your ailments effectively.
Dr Eissan will also provide thorough aftercare steps so that the effect of the treatment lasts longer and the side effects are minimized.
Completely safe treatments
Very quick and easy to remove
Very limited side effects
Mole removal is completely safe and is sometimes a necessary procedure to avoid complications later on. Dr Eissan will explain to you how the treatment will work and what you can expect during and after the treatment.
After the mole has been removed, the skin left behind may feel tender for a few days and will need to be covered. This is normal and will go away by itself. The area may be more sensitive to sunlight so its recommended to use a sunscreen on the area for a few months. Ask about it to Dr Eissan during your consultation.
One treatment session is enough to remove mole permanently. However, there is a very small chance that it might reappear, as a few mole cells may remain in the skin. If this is the case, you can always book another consultation with Dr Eissan.