The smoker’s lines or “bar-code” wrinkles in your upper lip are the result of smoking, sun damage and natural ageing and can age your appearance dramatically. They can be static (visible while lips are rested) or active (visible on contraction) and can appear above and/or below the lips in the distribution of the strap-like muscle around the mouth.
This area can be treated by a combination of both Botox (to relax the muscle) and filler (to add volume that is lost) often with great, long-lasting results.

You can reduce smoker wrinkles and remove upper lip lines with the help of some aesthetic treatments stimulating collagen from your own skin in this area. Botox & fillers are some of the most common choices for reducing the visibility of vertical smoker’s lines.
With the injection of hyaluronic acid fillers on the upper lip, the quality of the skin will be improved, and the smoker wrinkles will be filled-up and straightened. Injection of hyaluronic acid always stimulates re-emergence of collagen fibres, so that a unique treatment can achieve a much longer success.
It is important to use a light filler here as not to create a bulk or a duck like lip. A light filler can provide a blanket coverage and smooth out this area. A small amount of Botox can also help in reducing the muscle movements that normally reinforce these lines.
Smile lines in cheeks (accordion lines)
The first step is to book your appointment with Dr Eissan. You can do that by calling the clinic at +971 50 143 5434 or writing to us at info@dreissanragab.com.
Prior to coming for your consultation, call the clinic to check for any preparations you might need to do prior to meeting Dr Eissan.
Dr Eissan always provides utmost personal attention to all her patients. She is very careful about your privacy as well as your emotional needs. Feel free to discuss at length about your problems.
Based on her expertise and experience, Dr Eissan will then recommend any necessary tests or diagnostic methods to identify the problem further. Eventually, she will prepare a detailed treatment plan for you.
Dr Eissan will be with you throughout the process and will guide you every step of the way. Please give her as much cooperation as she needs to treat your ailments effectively.
Dr Eissan will also provide thorough aftercare steps so that the effect of the treatment lasts longer and the side effects are minimized.
The benefits of this treatment include:
Minimal risks and side effects
Subtle in impact giving a very natural younger look
Far less downtime
Quick & easy minimally invasive procedure
Long lasting results
Minimal pain, topical anaesthesia is applied
Before the injections, a topical or local numbing agent may be applied to ease discomfort. Sometimes, nerve block injections can be given before the treatment to completely numb the lips.
After carefully marking the areas to be injected, very fine needles are used to inject the substance into your lips. Following injection, ice may be given to ease discomfort and control swelling. But no firm pressure should be put on the treatment area.
Lipstick or other lip products are best avoided immediately after the procedure.
You should be able to notice a difference immediately. After you have healed, your lips should feel natural.
Side effects of the treatments are limited and temporary and should only last a few days.
Dr Eissan is fully equipped to perform a full diagnosis of your condition and prescribe the most suitable treatment for you. Her vast experience gives her an advantage of identifying best treatment and duration. In many cases she might combine different types of treatments to give you the best achievable results. She will explain to you the results you can expect after the treatment and possible side effects you may encounter.